Peer Review Process

The manuscript sent to junior medical research journal are received  when submitted in the  journal website system  or mailed as attached file to the editor  in chief The submission on the website is preferable and mailing the editorial board should be reserved to authors having logging in troubles.

The manuscript  is first assessed in the editorial office. The aim of the primary assessment is to verify the adhesion of the authors to the journal recommendations. When the manuscript is conform to the authors guidelines, a notification of the reception is sent by mail to the corresponding author within 48 hours. Otherwise the article is sent back to the authors with a kind invitation to get closer to the journal guidelines.

Before the peer-review process, manuscripts have to pass an internal review process. This process is supervised by the Editor in Chief and is designed to expedite decisions on manuscripts that are outside of the scope of the Journal and are unlikely to be published. Manuscripts that succeed the first primary assessment are sent to the two journal’s managing editors to check the scientific value and the conformity to the journal scope. The decision is made within 7 days either by accepting to submit the manuscript to peer review process  or to send back the article. The corresponding author is notified by mail about the decision.

Manuscript submitted to peer review process undergo first a double I tenticate /google plagiarism cross checking. Articles with similarity report up to 20 % after excluding the not of concern (trivial) are submitted to tow independent peer reviewers. A double-blinded peer-review is systematically displayed. The average time for achievement of the first external reviews is 20 days. The papers with high plagiarism rate are sent back to the corresponding author.

Authors can request for fast track 12 days review. The request is stated  in the cover letter sent to the editor in chief fat the moment of the submission. Fast track review is only applicable for case reports, clinical opinions and images in clinical medicine.


The remarks of the tow reviewer are forwarded to the authors for revision. The authors are notified by mail about the plagiarism rate and the plagiarized section and invited to submit revised version within 15 days. The authors of the papers that need major revision are invited to contact the pre-publishing  section for a hint free of charges.

The revised papers submitted on time are forwarded to the two first external reviewers for reevaluation of the author’s responses and to a third and sometimes a fourth external blinded reviewer. These additional  reviews are systematic for original article research and reviews articles. A cumulative peer-review report is made according the advices of all the reviewers. The editorial decision (accept, accept after minor revision, major revision , reject) is approved by the editor in chief and sent by mail to the corresponding author.

The accepted article undergoes a types-editing and scientific enhancement  by the editor in chief  and two of the editorial board members. The enhanced draft is submitted as well to one of the advisory board members for a quick screening and more advices.

Once this process is done the article is submitted to the proof editing section  and  the manuscript will get the optic  journal identity. Starting the date of the proof editing withdrawal option is disabled and only minor modifications of the authors list are acceptable. The proof editing is sent to the authors for signature. And the paper is published on the journal website full text (html) and pdf version according to the journal schedule.

During the process junior medical research journal and the publisher ensure that:

  • All the contributors to the peer review process are volunteers and have disclosed all conflicts of interest especially from financial side.
  • The appeal on the editorial decision is unavailable. However authors of rejected article are invited to use the option of the pre-publishing free assistance.
  • Authors and institutions of previous history of submission of highly plagiarized papers, delayed response for the reviewers comments or unjustified papers withdrawal are invited to sign a peer review consent that ensure the respect of the scientific writing ethics and the journal policies.
  • Authors not welling to consider their papers for publication in JMR are invited to use the pre-publishing services available in the journal to enhance their articles. That will be more suitable than submitting the paper for full peer-review involving many journal board members and reviewers and ask for withdrawal in the end of the process.
  • Junior medical research aim always to involve juniors and young scientist to participate in the peer-review process.