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Citation: Baker J, Gug K, Elliot Ch, Adsul N, Rudol G, Sinha P. Bilateral intraspinal juxtafacet cysts leading to impending cauda equina syndrome: A
case Report. Jr. med. res. 2023; 6(1):9-11. Baker et al © All rights are reserved. https://doi.org/10.32512/jmr.6.1.2023/9.11
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Baker James
, Gug Krishan
, Elliot Charlotte
, Adsul Nitin
, Rudol Grzegorz
, Sinha Priyank
Bilateral intraspinal juxtafacet cysts leading to impending cauda equina syndrome: A case Report.
1: Spinal Surgery Unit, Leeds General
Infirmary, Leeds , United Kingdom
* Corresponding author
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Publication Data:
Submitted: November 22,2022
Accepted: December 18,2022
Online: January 31,2023
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Intraspinal juxtafacet cysts are caused by spinal degeneration. The formation of bilateral
cysts leading to bilateral L5 radiculitis and neurological claudication is extremely rare. We
herein report the case of an 83-year-old male presenting with bilateral sciatica and
neurological claudication. Magnetic resonance imaging has demonstrated bilateral intraspinal
juxtafacet cysts at L4/5 causing both spinal canal stenosis and compression on the cauda
equina nerve roots. Successful central decompression of the spine was performed. The aim
of this reports was to highlight the imaging features and feasibility of surgical treatment in
such rare entity.
Intraspinal Cysts; Bilateral Sciatica ; cauda equina syndrome; surgery.
Degeneration of the lumbar spine is a natural evolution of the ageing process. Progressive
alterations in the ligamentum flavum and facet joints may lead to the formation of intraspinal
cysts. Synovial and ganglionic cysts are defined according to the synovial lining and the
presence of structural communication with the facet joint [1]. Synovial and ganglionic cysts
of the facet are rare and may be responsible of radiculopathy, neurologic claudication and
even cauda equina syndrome [2].
Literature review identified only seventeen published cases of bilateral synovial cyst. This
report presents the case of bilateral cyst leading to impending cauda equina syndrome.
An 83-year-old male with history of Parkinson’s disease attended the Multi-Specialty
Assessment Area in a large tertiary center following ten days history of reduced walking
distance and worsening leg pain described by the patient as “bolt of lightning” involving the
buttocks. The examination showed no objective neurological abnormalities. The patient was
subsequently discharged with Parkinson's disease specialist nurse for home follow-up.
He represented 48 hours later with significant worsening symptoms. Noticeable changes seen
included increasing bilateral thigh pain radiating down to the foot and progressive worsening
in his gait. Further examination revealed no deterioration in bladder or bowels function and
no alteration in peripheral sensation. The patient was admitted to the neurosurgery inpatient
department for further investigations and management.
MRI scan demonstrated L4/5 bilateral synovial cysts causing severe canal stenosis and
compression upon the cauda equina nerve roots (Figure 1 and 2).The patient underwent a
primary posterior L4/5 laminectomy with intersegmental decompression of the spine ,excision
of both facet cysts and L4 laminotomy with medial facetectomy. Bilateral facet cysts were
adherent to dura. Using Rhoton dissectors, thecal sac and bilateral L5 roots were made
completely free. postoperative course was uneventful with objective improvement of pain
and mobility. Follow up MRI demonstrated an improved caliber of spinal canal at L4/L5, with
no evidence of surgical complications (Figure 3).