The place of digital devices and artificial intelligence in cardiac arrhythmia management: New advances, practical guides and promising prospects
Citation: Chernikova D, Mohamed Mohamed MA. The place of digital devices and artificial intelligence in cardiac arrhythmia
management: new advances, practical guides and promising prospects.Jr.med.res.2021; 5(1):7-9. Chernikova et al© All rights are
reserved. Submit your manuscript: www.jmedicalresearch.com
However, it should be noted that both PPG-based and single-
lead ECG devices may be of low diagnostic sensitivity in
regular tachyarrhythmias. Systematic screening for AF in high
cardiovascular risk population may reduce stroke incidence
[7]. AF is seen in almost 10% of the patients of more than
80 years old. Systematic screening approach should be
implemented also for patients with past stroke history and in
case of multiple associated comorbidity factors. Wearable
devices can be considered first in these cases [8]. New
mHealth approach provides an effective implementation of
digital technologies allowing wait-and-see strategy during
peri-cardioversion [9]. The management of recent AF require
immediate restoration of sinus rhythm by pharmacologic or
electrical cardioversion. However, the results of rate control
versus acute cardioversion ( trial-7 ACWAS) study showed
that spontaneous resolution of recent-onset AF may be
obtained in more than 90% of cases in delayed cardioversion
group which makes the Wait and see strategy and objective
alternative. This does not apply to patients in whom the
duration of atrial fibrillation is unknown. Regardless of
whether a rate or rhythm control strategy is selected, the
patient’s risk for stroke needs always to be estimated and
anticoagulation initiated, if appropriate [10]. According to the
iHEART study, the use of mHealth improved the detection
recurrent atrial arrhythmias after AF ablation [11]. Pilot study
showed that using smartphone ECG with a cloud-based
platform for three months following AF ablation is non inferior
to the standard monitoring plan [12].
AI-enabled mECG device are effective alternative to ECG-
based screening of several other kinds of arrhythmia such as
LQTS. With this monitoring techniques, QTc values are
almost equal to those obtained from a standard 12-lead ECG
[13]. QTc monitoring is useful to prevent QTc-related adverse
drug events. QTc prolonging drugs account for 3% of
prescriptions worldwide and the number of patients
undergoing multiple QTc-prolonging treatments is rapidly
increasing [14]. Moreover, some individuals have potentially
proarrhythmic common genetic variants associated with 8-
fold increased risk of drug-induced LQTS/ torsade de pointe
(TdP) (p.Asp85Asn-KCNE1 variant is present in 1% European
origin individuals and has p.Ser1103Tyr-SCN5A in up to 8%
of African individuals)[15]. The future of QTc monitoring is 6-
lead ECG device that was approved for measurement of QTc
intervals [16] and AI-enabled mECG device with AI-deep
neural network (DNN) that detects QTc values ≥500 ms and
predicts accurately the QTc of a standard 12-lead ECG
[16,17]. According to the available data, the rate of dropout
using health technology is about 44%. The systematic review
of 33 studies showed that the most frequent reasons for
dropout included technical malfunction and difficulties in the
convenience and accessibility. Most of the enrolled patients
preferred standard tools and did not trust the new alternatives
[18]. Other barriers to the implementation of AI-enabled
devices were the cost and insurance reimbursement issues.
Personalization and demonstrating flexibility, as well as clarity
of delivered message may facilitate the implementation of
intelligent remote measurement technologies.
perspectives of digital technology are contactless rhythm
monitoring for the assessment of sudden cardiac arrest risk and
mass AF screening on ambulatory basis.
Video plethysmography correlates with contact PPG . The first
study demonstrated the feasibility of AF detection with a high
accuracy in a group of patients with a single camera [19].
Moreover, there is technology for accurate detecting cardiac
arrest through identifying cardiac arrest-associated agonal
breathing instances using commodity smart devices [20].
Key takeaways
▪ The implementation of new technologies specially AI-enabled devices
determines rapid improvement of the algorithms of automated
interpretations of single-lead ECG and PPG.
▪ AI-enabled mECG device–based QTc monitoring, contactless rhythm
monitoring for mass AF screening and assessment of sudden cardiac
arrest risk are nowadays real eHealth perspectives.
▪ Early detection of AF using digital devices allows early non-invasive
▪ For successful implementation of telecare technologies , raising digital
health literacy among patients is crucial.
▪ Clarifications on legal aspects regarding the collection or processing
of personal data is required for smooth digital health implementation.
▪ Implementing low-cost screening PPG Apps followed by confirmation
with patch ECGs might balance the cost/effectiveness scheme for
these new devices .
Conflict of interest: none
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