Structure-Function correlation using optical coherence tomography in normal subjects, preperimetric and manifest primary open-angle glaucoma
Citation: Khallouli A, Oueslati Y, Bouchoucha S, Gouider D. Structure-Function correlation using optical coherence tomography in
normal subjects, preperimetric and manifest primary open-angle glaucoma. Jr. med. res. 2022; 5(1):3-6.
Khallouli et al © All rights are reserved Submit your manuscript: www.jmedicalresearch.com
Table 4: Prediction of MD and LV from OCT parameters( regression analysis).
P*; comparison of linear and second-order polynomial model, P†; comparison of linear and third-order polynomial model, RNFL, retinal nerve
fiber layer; GCC, ganglion cell complex, AIC; Akaike Information Criterion, R2 ; regression coefficient, F; extra-sum-of square F test.
No correlation between Mean Deviation (MD) and tomographic parameters
in normal and preperimetric glaucoma groups could be found due to the
normal visual field [2]. Analysis of glaucomatous eyes from eye bank
showed that at least 25 to 35% loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) is
required to detect the first functional alterations in visual field. In early
stages, the neuronal loss is undetectable in automated perimetry [3].
In manifest glaucoma group, MD was significantly correlated with all
parameters exploring RNFL, GCC and most of the Optic nerve head(ONH)
parameters. Similar results have been reported in the literature [4,5].
However, objective correlation might be still questionable due to the
heterogeneity of the published series and the difficulty of randomized trial
establishment [6].
Regarding loss of variance, no significant correlations were found in
normal subjects and preperimetric glaucoma groups. However, for
manifest glaucoma group, the correlation was significant between LV and
most tomographic parameters assessing RNFL and GCC. Best correlations
were noted with parameters analyzing GCC. In the literature as in our work,
correlations of structural parameters were more significant with MD than
LV which represent more the variance of the local default [7-9]. LV index
would be considerable in case of inhomogeneous localized deficit of retinal
sensitivity. The correlation of LV with the ONH parameters was absent in
manifest glaucoma group, except; Cup/Disc area ratio and Cup/Disc V
ratio. This could be explained by the fact that, the overall severity of the
disease in manifest glaucoma group was moderate with an average MD =
8,85 +/- 6,69. In fact, at early and moderate stage, neuronal loss
particularly affects the upper and lower part of the optic disc responsible
for the vertical elongation of the optic cup.
The study of linear and nonlinear regression models was mandatory to
assess structure-function relationship. Regression functions would then be
useful in order to understand the trend of disease progression and to select
an appropriate monitoring strategy [10].
The structure-function relationship was better explained with nonlinear
models (second and third-order model) evaluating MD (dB) with RNFL and
GCC. However, linear models describe more the relationship between LV
and average RNFL. The regression between LV and average GCC, was
better explained by second-order polynomial model, but the difference was
non-significant compared to linear model (p = 0.034). Similar results were
seen in other studies adopting similar statistical methodology [11].
Logarithmic scale could minimize changes in retinal sensitivity at large dB
values and optimize it at low dB values. Simple linear model could be an
alternative of the curvilinear model to describe the relationship between
perimetric and tomographic parameters in some glaucoma cases. However,
it may transform MD into a non-logarithmic function and generate a biased
curvilinear aspect for the scales expressed in decibel [12].
In the literature, curvilinear regression models, evaluating the relationship
between RNFL and VF sensitivity, were the most effective. Likewise, the
second and third order regression models correlating GCC and VF
sensitivity, showed a stronger structure-function correlation compared to
the first order regression models. The curvilinear regression models
suggest that structural functional changes are not simultaneous in cases
of Glaucoma. Non-axonal components thickness of RNFL
increase with age and disease progression. Glial cells activation
allows glial remodeling of the retinal nerve fiber layer during
the response to neuronal injury. This gliosis may be hiding the
decrease in RNFL and GCC thickness [13].
The functional impotence may be delayed in some advanced
structural alterations. That would explain the concept of
‘functional reserve’ and the difficulties of the assessment in
some cases. for curvilinear model, the correlation between VF
sensitivity (on a logarithmic scale) and structural parameters
(on a linear scale) seems to be more effective for early stage
functional impairment.
Monitoring the glaucomatous neuropathy progression consists
first in detecting the evolution of the retinal nerve fiber layer
damages, then that of the macular ganglion cell complex. In
order to assess damage progression to the targeted structures,
the analysis should always be integrated with the measurement
of the functional impairment [14].
Some type of regression curve minimizes visual field changes
in early-stage glaucoma and maximizes them in severely
affected glaucoma. It is recommended to rely more on
structural investigations such as OCT for the monitoring of
preperimetric and early glaucoma cases. Functional tests such
as conventional static perimetry are more effective in the
follow-up of advanced stage glaucoma.
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide
and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is the cornerstone
imaging technique for its detection. Early detection of
structural alterations and the prediction of related visual
impairment was the challenging part of most of the published
analytic studies.
Conflit of interest: None
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