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Citation: Ocarina L, Khachemoune A, Chawkat L. The dark side of the sun: Affected demographics of skin
cancers.Jr.med.res.2021; 4(2):11-13. Ocarina et al© All rights are reserved. https://doi.org/10.32512/jmr.4.2.2021/11.13
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Mini Review
The dark side of the Sun: Affected demographics of skin cancers.
Ocarina Lin
, Khachemoune Amor
, Chawkat Leila
1: Premier Dermatology, Bentonville
Arkansas, USA
* Corresponding author
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Submitted: May 24 ,2021
Accepted: September 22 ,2021
Online: November 30, 2021
This article was subject to full peer-review.
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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) are the most
common skin malignancies. BCC and SCC are affecting the corresponding cells in
the epidermis where tumorogenesis starts. The onset of these diseases is caused
by sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation (UVR). However, it seems that there are
more vulnerable groups within the population. Several other leading factors have
been described in the literature. Elderly, male and fair-skinned individuals may have
significantly increased skin cancer risk. Understanding the characteristics of these
cancers epidemiology may allow their early detection and ensure better medical and
surgical management.
Skin cancer risk; Ultraviolet radiation; Sun exposure; Sun protection; Review.
Skin cancer is the most common carcinoma affecting millions worldwide. BCC is affecting
approximately 3.6 million people in the United States, while SCC is targeting 1.8 million
Americans every year [1,2]. Chronic sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) are
directly involved in tumorogenesis initiation and progression [3]. The photodamage is
cumulative and dose-dependent [4]. Ultraviolet A with its wavelength of 315 to 400 nm
is more associated with keratosis and photocarcinogenesis [5]. BCC and SCC clinical
presentations are variable. Lesions frequently present as shiny translucent skin-colored
or pigmented bump generally in the head and neck areas [6].
The aim of this review was to provide a comprehensive study of skin cancers risk factors
to highlight the most important prognostic indicators for this disease.
Skin types are classified according to the Fitzpatrick scale which assess the response of
different types of skin to UV light. It classifies the skin colors into six phototypes from
the light pale white to dark brown [7]. Photodamage following chronic sun exposure
seems to be more important and less reversible for skin type with less epidermal melanin
level [8]. Colored skin epidermal barrier filter twice as much UVR as in white skin [9].
However, the correlation between photoprotection and melanin pigmentation involves
more complex mechanisms, and no skin type is immune to cancer [10]. Moreover, some
other recent reports confirmed that the risk to develop BCC in highly UV-exposed skin
was doubled independently of histological subtype, tumor localization and Fitzpatrick
phototype and [11]. Non melanoma skin cancers are significantly more frequent for
phototype II and III in old female patients [12].
The dark side of the sun: Affected demographics of skin cancers
Citation: Ocarina L, Khachemoune A, Chawkat L. The dark side of the sun: Affected demographics of skin
cancers.Jr.med.res.2021; 4(2):11-13. Ocarina et al© All rights are reserved.
Submit your manuscript: www.jmedicalresearch.com
Demographics and other epidemiologic factors should be
studied in correlation with patients individual characteristics and
social specificities as well.
In our experience according to short cohort observational study
results, we noted that fair-skinned patients (Fitzpatrick I and II)
were more likely at risk than the other phototypes. Age >65
and male gender were the other significant skin cancer risk
factors in our study.
The data heterogeneity related to skin cancer risk assessment
explain partially the absence of prevention strategy guidelines
[24,25]. Based on the evidence that skin cancer is an
environmental cancer rising on photo-damaged skins due to
UVR exposure, all the prevention efforts were focused on
sunscreens industry over the last decade [26]. Sunscreens are
objectively a considerable part of the prevention strategy. In
addition to its role in UVR filtration, sunscreen may reduce the
p53 oncogene mutation [27]. Sunscreen’s clinical effectiveness
is related to its ability to reduce DNA damage, immune system
modulation and free radical generation. However, there are still
several gaps in research and knowledge regarding safety,
efficacy, and overall public benefit perception. In the United
States the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is only
approving zinc oxide and titanium dioxide for UVA filtration.
Other non-mineral sunscreens may be more efficient but less
stable [28-30].
This raises the concern about the ideal molecule needed and if
ever the progress of the sunscreen industry is really based on
clinical evidence. The establishment of screening strategy may
allow early cancers diagnosis and enhance the prognosis. The
primary prevention should be focused on high-risk groups. The
risk assessment must consider all personal and environmental
factors to elaborate a personalized protection plan.
Key takeaways
Skin cancers are of the most common malignancies.
The incidence may be still underestimated due to the
absence of effective screening strategy and the limited
access to dermatology specialized consultation for a
considerable part of high-risk population.
The chronic sun exposure and photodamage caused by
UVR significantly increase the risk of skin cancer.
However, several personal predisposing conditions
must be considered for an objective risk assessment.
Melanin is an UVR filter. This may explain the
vulnerability of fair skin to UVR induced damages. The
incidence of cancer in skin of color might be higher in
male sun-exposed workers and in southern African
Prevention of this entity is almost totally based on
sunscreens dermo-protection. More efforts could be
done in the sensibilization and primary prevention of
people at risk.
The dark side of the sun: Affected demographics of skin cancers
Citation: Ocarina L, Khachemoune A, Chawkat L. The dark side of the sun: Affected demographics of skin
cancers.Jr.med.res.2021; 4(2):11-13. Ocarina et al© All rights are reserved.
Submit your manuscript: www.jmedicalresearch.com
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Conflict of interest: none
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